
My name is Alexandra. Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, I currently live in Portland, OR. Taking an educational approach at studying the human being as a whole, I have degrees in psychology, anthropology, and religious studies. Mind, body, and soul. My passions include traveling, reading, photography, sketching, naturalistic observation, and drinking copious amounts of coffee.

I created this site to share images of my travels in hopes of inspiring others to go out and experience the world. I believe travel breeds empathy and open-mindedness. Something our world could use more of. A few of my photos have been featured on social media accounts such as Columbia1938, Treeline Outdoors, Proof Lab Station, and Marin Magazine. 

The sketches are a personal addition. Majority of my artwork is based on immediate feelings and current perceptions of the world. Many are incomplete. Never shown or displayed. If I post a piece that looks incomplete, it's intentional. Either the feeling dissipated or I started in on a different sketch. A couple of them are commissioned pieces.

I hope to add to the site regularly, so check back for more photos and art pieces.